History of the site
It's been more than 20 years since Electronic Resources first appeared. The web was still in its infancy and the gopher was the state of the art in technology. The first version of this survey was published in the February 1994 issue of the New England Classical Journal. [NECJ XXI.3 (1993-94) 117-21]. One year later the number of web sites and internet resources had grown so much that a revision of the list was necessary. The second survey was published in the February 1995 issue of the same journal (NECJ XXII.3 (February 1995).
In the summer of 1995 the survey was converted to HTML with links to the various resources and made available online. At the time, it was the largest list of Classics resources (or "mega-site" as it came to be called). In 1996 when I moved to California to assume the directorship of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (TLG®) at UC Irvine the site moved with me. Over the years I have tried to keep up with tools and resources of interest to Classicists but web resources are now endless and no "mega-site" can be complete.
Maria Pantelia
Professor of Classics
Director, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae®
University of California, Irvine