Digital/Online Journals
- Ancient Narrative is a journal interested in the ancient Greek, Roman, and Jewish novelistic traditions as well as the reception of these traditions in modern literature, film and music. Ancient Narrative is published by Barkhuis Publishing in cooperation with the University Library of the University of Groningen and appears both in print and on line. The online version offers information about the journal and the table of contents of each issue with abstracts of the articles. The full online version (with complete articles) is available to journal subscribers only.
- Arachnion: A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web is a refereed electronic journal for classical studies. It's purpose is to become an "electronic voice" for European classical scholarship.
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review was founded in 1990 by Prof. Richard Hamilton of Bryn Mawr and Prof. James O'Donnell of the University of Pennsylvania. It publishes over 150 reviews a year and distributes them via e-mail to a growing number of subscribers around the world. Reviews are also available on line.
- Didaskalia is an electronic journal which publishes news related to ancient theater and modern productions of ancient theater, listings of upcoming productions and drama-oriented events, and reviews of books and productions pertaining to ancient theater.
- Digressus is a refereed online journal formed by a consortium of postgraduates at the universities of Nottingham and Birmingham, UK in order to give postgraduates interested in Classical Studies the opportunity to begin publishing. Digressus is an electronic journal and its .pdf articles can be read online with Acrobat Reader.
- Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics was the first electronic journal for publishing scholarly articles, edited by P. Toohey (Univ. of Calgary) and I. Worthington (University of Missouri) at the University of Tasmania. The journal now has a new web site at Virginia Tech which offers access to all its issues (starting June 1993).
- HISTOS is an electronic Journal of Ancient Historiography published by the University of Durham (UK). Its starting date is October 1996. Articles and notes will be published both on the Web and in hard-copy format.
- Phoenix (a journal of the Classical Association of Canada) offers subscription information, guidelines to contributors, abstracts of articles and table of contents of current and forthcoming issues.
- Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquite offers the full-text of its articles on-line.
- Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity
[ISSN 1018-9017] is a series published at the University of Otago and the University of Natal
and features critical and pedagogical articles and reviews on a diverse range
of subjects dealing with antiquity, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition. The site also contains a link to the Scholia Reviews.
Web sites of Classical Journals
- American Journal of Philology
- Ancient Narrative
- Arethusa
- Arion
- Classical Antiquity
- Classical Journal
- Classical Receptions Journal
- Classical World
- Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
- Histos, a journal of ancient historiography
- International Journal for Lexicography
- New England Classical Journal
- Phoenix